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School Vision/Ethos
At Great Yarmouth Primary Academy we have one mission: to raise the achievement of every child so that they are able to thrive in their next stage of education and onto university and employment.
We teach our students to do three things:
Look up
We strive for excellence. We have created a culture where our pupils are passionate and enthusiastic learners; they work hard to achieve success and our staff work hard to ensure we provide an excellent, exciting education for all. We keep looking up.
Look around
Our curriculum provides a rich knowledge through the teaching of individual subjects and our wider curriculum. We will provide a fully rounded education that supports every child to grow personally and socially as well as academically. Our curriculum is enriching. Our students will be able to be part of the conversation of civilisation. We pay attention to the world around us.
Look out for each other
Our students will be kind, caring and compassionate. Our parental community is committed and supports our high standards and expectations. In our school where expectations are high, our pupils can and will exceed social expectations. We will look out for every child and ensure they look out for each other too.