Early Years

An excellent early years education is vital for the future success of all our children.

Reading is at the heart of our curriculum in Early Years, with the teaching of phonics taking a critical role. We use Read Write Inc, a systematic synthetic phonics programme that teaches our children to read accurately and fluently, and supports  good comprehension. Our approach to phonics also supports spelling and early writing, setting our children up with solid foundations for developing as readers and writers.

Stories and poems feed our children’s imagination and also allow our children to experience powerful, high quality literature. Vocabulary is developed through our direct teaching of core words and knowledge, which then further develops comprehension. 

Teaching early mathematics is also prioritised. Our focus in early years is on securing mathematical fluency. Concrete and pictorial resources are used to introduce mathematical concepts, before children are introduced to ideas in the abstract, to ensure mastery. 

We combine direct teaching, including explicit modelling, with varied and wide opportunities for application and practise so our children can consolidate their knowledge. 

Play is also vital for developing children’s personal, social and emotional skills. Through play our children learn to investigate the world around them, both physically and imaginatively. 

Early Years and Foundation Stage Policy